Star Party at White Memorial

Fri Feb 28, 2025 - Fri Mar 28, 2025
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Repeating every months through March 28, 2025.
Also on March 28, 2025.
7:00pm to 9:30pm ET
Age: 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult
Price: Free
White Memorial Conservation Center
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This astronomy program is organized by members of the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club and the Mattatuck Astronomical Society. Tonight’s topic is "Marvelous, Mysterious Mars – The Red Planet In Fact, Lore & Fiction" From ancient times, people have noticed Mars and assigned meaning.

We’ll cover what ancients thought, its importance in the “scientific revolution”, discoveries through the 19th century. Then a look at Mars in popular culture (there are more than 100 novels in English about or set on Mars). Then discuss the planet in more detail & recent finds. There are new discoveries every month.

Weather permitting, there will be star gazing after the program.

  • MARCH 28 This astronomy program is organized by members of the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club and the Mattatuck Astronomical Society. Tonight’s topic is "A Brief History of Astronomy - From Ancient Times to the James Webb Space Telescope" What did ancient peoples think when they looked up at night? Who invented the telescope? How do we know what we're looking at? We'll discuss these and other questions. Weather permitting, there will be star gazing after the program
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.