First Fridays 2025: AMPLIFIED

Fri Mar 7, 2025 - Fri Jun 6, 2025
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Repeating every month on April, May, June, July on the first Fridays through June 6, 2025.
5:00pm to 10:00pm PT
Age: 10 and up
Price: $20
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
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Make some noise! First Fridays are back at the Natural History Museum.

Guests can discover the Natural History Museum after hours with tours, discussions, live music, and cocktails (for the adults). 

In 2025 the series tunes in to music and sound.

2025 Season

March 7: Healing Sounds
What is the real science behind sound healing? Look into the experience of sound baths and music therapy for meditation and relaxation.

April 4: Sound Around Us
How can studying and recording natural sounds benefit humans and help in wildlife conservation?  What do the sounds around us mean in regards to our environment? 

May 2: Experiencing Sound
What does it mean to be without sound? How is sound and music experienced by the deaf and hard of hearing? How are museums, concerts, etc. bringing immersive and accessible experiences to all?

June 6: Music and Harmony
What does listening to music do to your mind and well being?  What has changed in the way we listen to music and what does it mean for society?  What are the social and personal benefits of listening to music? 



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** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.