Pass Gas Day, Year of the Snake, and More Holidays & Activities for January 2025

Welcome to a NEW year! 2025 still sounds like the future, but it has arrived! There are a lot of holidays this month, and some of them are kooky fun! There's Pass Gas Day (what kid won't want to celebrate Fart Day?), an early Lunar New Year, Rubber Ducky Day, and of course, a long weekend for Martin Luther King Jr Day, to make it feel like the holiday season isn’t over yet!
Check this list, and you’ll find the perfect thing to do with your kids each and every day. In January at Mommy Poppins, we also celebrate all things FREE, so check out our national guide to freebies and also your local guide to free things to do near you!
These don’t have to be done on any specific day! But in case you want to, here’s something to do every day in January.
Holidays and Activities for Each Day in January
January 1 – New Year’s Day
Check your local calendar to find fun outings to celebrate the New Year in your city…or try one of these other New Year’s Day traditions:
- My favorite tradition is the Polar Plunge! Take a swim in the nearest ocean or lake (or pool!). Just be sure to have lots of towels and hot cocoa waiting for you!
- Eat black-eyed peas for luck; try a recipe for something traditional like Hoppin' John. (And if you don't like the food, you can listen to the band!)
- Watch the Rose Parade (or the Mummers Parade)
Watching the first sunrise of the new year is called "hatsuhinode" in Japan. It's a lovely tradition, especially if you've got young kids and are getting up early anyway!
January 2 – World Introvert Day
After a busy holiday season, your little introvert may need a break. Today is a great day to just relax, not see people, and maybe not even change out of pajamas. It's also a good day to talk to kids about how it's fine to need time to yourself, to rest and recharge.
January 3 – National Write to Congress Day
See something you don't like? It won't change unless you get involved. Sit down as a family and have everyone write a letter to your Congressperson about something that concerns you. It's great to teach kids to get involved, and fascinating to hear their concerns. Here's how you can find your representative and how to contact them.
January 4 – Trivia Day
Host a trivia contest at your house! Here's the easiest way to get started: We've got 100 trivia questions just for kids!
January 5 – National Whipped Cream Day
What kid doesn't like whipped cream? You can put it on a hot fudge sundae, on hot chocolate (check out our favorite hot chocolate recipes) or just fill an empty pie shell with whipped cream and eat it (or, you know, smash it into someone's face!).
January 6 – Epiphany
Also called Three Kings Day and Dia de Los Reyes; Epiphany commemorates the Magi's visit to Jesus. It's also, traditionally, the day you take down your Christmas tree.
January 7 – National Pass Gas Day
Hello, there's a FART day? What kid doesn't want to celebrate it? Here are awesome ways to celebrate National Pass Gas Day with your kids:
- Surprise them by leaving whoopee cushions all over the house!
- Read Walter the Farting Dog as a bedtime story. (It's a classic at my house.)
- Have beans for dinner!
- Have unicorn farts for dessert (it's just cotton candy).
January 8 – Argyle Day
Wear that argyle sweater you thought you'd never need again after the Eras Tour. Fun fact: the argyle pattern derives from the tartan of Clan Campbell in Scotland. So, you can also spend the day talking with a Scottish accent.
January 9 – Word Nerd Day
I love words. I love nerds (the people and the candy). Today is a great day to geek out on your favorite words. Take a dictionary and have your kids flip through it, finding words that are silly, funny, or just plain fun to say.
January 10 – Find a Freebie
This is my favorite day of the month. The holiday bills have all come in and ouch! We could all use something free. Sign up to have something free delivered to your house, find a restaurant for free meals for kids, and discover what awesome freebies you can get on your birthday.
January 11 – Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day
This is cool! It's something fun to learn together, and also a great secret language for your family. This website makes it easy to learn the basics.
January 12 – National Marzipan Day
Make or buy some marzipan (here's an easy recipe, or you can find it at your grocery store or online); then color it and make shapes. It's basically edible, tasty play dough!
National Runner Ducky Day is a bright and fun day to celebrate! Photo by Canva
January 13 – National Rubber Ducky Day
It's a little cold for a rubber ducky race outside, but you can definitely bring your ducky in the bathtub and sing to it! (Ernie has the best Rubber Ducky song.) You can also make rubber ducky cupcakes for dessert!
January 14 – National Dress Up Your Pet Day
The name of the day says it all! If you don't have a pet, decorate a pet rock.
January 15 – National Bagel Day
This is pretty much every kid's favorite meal. Go ahead and have bagels for breakfast, lunch, or even dinner! You can even try your hand at making bagels at home.
January 16 – Appreciate a Dragon Day
Everyone loves a dragon! In honor of dragons, you can watch How to Train Your Dragon, read Dragons Love Tacos, and make some dragon crafts!
January 17 – National Kid Inventor Day
Today is Kid Inventor Day because it's the birthday of Benjamin Franklin, a kid inventor! Ask your kids about something they think is a problem and a solution they could invent to solve it! Here are some fun facts about things invented by kids:
- Benjamin Franklin invented swim flippers at age 12
- Louis Braille invented Braille writing/reading at age 15
- George Nissen invented the trampoline at age 16
- Popsicles were accidentally invented by 5-year-old Frank Epperson
Want more fun facts? We rounded up 100 surprising fun facts for kids.
January 18 – Winnie the Pooh Day
Throw a party for Pooh today! Read the classic stories, watch The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, and then have a tea party with Pooh as the guest of honor. If you don't happen to have a Pooh bear stuffed animal, have your kids draw a picture of him. What's on the menu? Hunny, of course! Try these yummy honey cookies.
January 19 – National Popcorn Day
Pop up a batch of popcorn, and let your kids go crazy concocting different sweet and salty flavors. You can help them shake up a bag with butter, salt, and their favorite seasonings (mac and cheese powder and taco seasonings are easy starting places) or drizzle some popcorn with chocolate and sweet treats that will stick to it. Enjoy your treats with a family movie. Pick from our list of favorite movies for a family movie night.
January 20 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Happy long weekend in honor of MLK Jr. Many cities have programs at museums honoring Martin Luther King Jr, or parades with a theme of unity. Check your local calendar of events to find a celebration or commemoration near you.
January 21 – National Granola Bar Day
It's a day in honor of everyone's favorite on-the-go snack! Try this easy, wholesome, healthy, and tasty granola bar recipe together. You can customize it with your kid's favorite dried fruits, sweets, and nuts.
January 22 – Play Outside
Yes, it's January, and it's probably the coldest it gets all year, no matter where you live. But it's still important to get outside and play. So bundle up and check out our favorite winter games and activities.
January 23 – National Pie Day
You worked up an appetite yesterday playing outside, today is a great day to make or buy a pie to enjoy! What's your favorite pie?
January 24 – National Compliment Day
Talk to your kids about how nice it feels to get a compliment, and then set yourself a challenge today: see if you can start every interaction with any person you encounter today with a compliment! The wonderful feelings you get from making people happy might turn this into a regular occurrence.
January 25 – Opposite Day
Let the kids plan this day! They probably have a million ideas of ways they can do opposites! Breakfast for dinner and burgers for breakfast? Try leaving each other notes you write backward. Act the opposite of the way you usually probably have a million creative suggestions, too.
January 26 – Get some exercise inside
Yes, we just advocated for getting outside, but sometimes playing out in the cold just takes too much work! That's why we created this list of fun indoor exercise games for kids to play.
Did you know you can do so much more with bubble wrap than just pop it? Photo by Ally Noel
January 27 – Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
It's like we knew this holiday was coming: we have a list of 10 hilarious, and sometimes very messy, bubble wrap games for kids.
January 28 – National LEGO Day
If you've got one nearby, today is a great day for a trip to a Lego Discovery Center, or even Legoland! But if you're nowhere near one, get out your box of Lego pieces and get creative as a family. We've got 101 fun things to do with Legos, here.
January 29 – Lunar New Year
It's the start of the Year of the Snake! Check your local calendar for fun parades or other celebrations. Try making longevity noodles or Lunar New Year almond cookies if you're celebrating at home.
January 30 – National Croissant Day
Surprise your kids with some yummy croissants for breakfast. They won't expect it on a random Thursday!
January 31 – National Hot Chocolate Day
What a lovely way to end the month. We have tasted and asked kids, and rounded up the best hot chocolate recipes kids adore. We also have easy instructions to make fun and delicious hot chocolate bombs (these actually make great gifts for Valentine's Day in 2 weeks!).
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