Berry Picking and Peach Picking at Connecticut Farms

How much can you bring home when you go berry picking and peach picking in Connecticut? And how many berries will sneak their way into your little ones mouths? There are several types of delicious berries and fruit on farms all over Connecticut. Bring your kids and strap a bucket around their necks so they can "help." Peaches, rasperries, blueberries, and even nectarines and plums are ripening right now. So pull out your favorite recipe and hop in the car!
In, July blueberries and blackberries are ready for eating. Late July and August are perfect for peaches. If you decide to make jam with your pounds of pickin's, try this Homemade Pop Tart Recipe. And for more great summertime ideas, browse out Connecticut Summer Fun Guide.
Note: Due to a freeze, 2023 is not a great year for peaches; some farms lost their pick-your-own crops.
Berry Picking in Fairfield County
1. Jones Family Farms—Shelton
This 400-acre family farm (since 1848) has pick your own strawberries and blueberries in summer, pumpkins in the fall, and Christmas trees during the holidays. Berry picking is at the Valley Farm or Pumpkinseed Hill. Call ahead for the Crop Report to see what's ripe for picking, or follow the signs on the property.
2. Silverman's Farm—Easton
Silverman's has pick your own peaches and raspberries, and blueberries are open in July. Peruse the farm market for apples and other fresh fruit, veggies, and pies. The kids will love petting, feeding, and interacting with the farm friends in the animal farm, including llamas, buffalo, goats, sheep, and emus.
Berry and Peach Picking Farms in Litchfield County
Grab as many berries as you can at these Connecticut farms! Photo courtesy of March Farm
3. March Farm—Bethlehem
Note: No pick your own peaches in 2023.
March Farm features pick your own apples, blueberries, plums, pumpkins, and strawberries. Purchase farm fresh eggs, fresh apple cider donuts, vegetables, and freshly baked pies here as well. Children will love the petting zoo. Open every day from 10am to 6pm.
4. Litchfield Hills Blueberry Farm LLC—Plymouth
Pick your own blueberries or shop pre-picked produce—and enjoy lunch in the picnic area. Harvest is usually available in early July. Open: Tuesday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Mondays; cash only.
5. Maple Bank Farm—Roxbury
Pick your own blueberries on this family farm that dates back to 1730. PYO is generally available Wednesday through Sunday, and blueberries are ready for picking in early July.
6. Evergreen Berry Farm—Watertown
Pick from nine varieties of organic blueberries, red and gold raspberries, and blackberries. Open everyday, mid July through September. Call ahead for updated picking conditions and berry availability.
Berry Picking and More at Farms in Eastern Connecticut
7. Scott's Yankee Farmer—East Lyme
Pick your own strawberries, flowers, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, apples, and pumpkins. PYO season runs from early June through October, and the strawberry season goes by quickly! Don't miss the roadside stand for pre-picked veggies and legendary cider donuts. Open daily from 8am to 6pm. Reserve your spot for picking online.
8. Grant's Berry Patch—Jewett City
Pick your own strawberries and blueberries while they last. They are open Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm. This is a beautiful property with big, wide rows for kids to pick in. Fresh grown vegetable can be purchased as well.
There's a sweet satisfaction that comes with picking berries at CT farms. Photo courtesy of Holmberg Orchards
9. Holmberg Orchards - Gales Ferry
Note: No pick your own peaches in 2023.
Pick your own raspberries starting in late June. But come back again this summer, because you can also pick blueberries (starting in July) and blackberries (mid-July). Holmberg Orhards has a cute market, some homemade items for same, and a very cute cow you can take a selfie with. Oh, and guess what? They have a winery right there on-site! For updated picking conditions call 860-464-7305.
10. Buell's Orchard - Eastford
The strawberries and raspberries are ripe for picking in June and into early-July. The farm has a market on site with lots of fresh veggies and fruit as well as home made items and books and items for farm-loving kids. Don't forget to grab some cheese or cider while you are there. Pick your own hours are Wednesday through Sunday from 8am to 12pm.
Berry Picking and More at Farms in Hartford County
11. Rose's Berry Farm —South Glastonbury
Rose's is under new management but is still famous for all it's berries which include blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. The Gondek family is establishing new traditions, but, the berries are still amazing.
12. Easy Pickin's Farm —Enfield
Easy Pickin's garden offerings are growing (pardon the pun)! You can come to the farm to pick raspberries, Asian pears, and 10 varieties of blueberries. There are also some of herbs and vegetables ready for purchase. You can also cut fresh flowers on-site.
13. Scantic Valley Farm —Somers
Note: No pick your own strawberries in 2023.
Come enjoy the beautiful top-of-the-mountain scenery at Scantic Valley Farm as you pick fresh strawberries from the fields. Blueberry and dahlia season usually begins in mid-July. Open Monday through Friday and weekends. Call first for picking conditions.
14. 4-H Auer Farm —Bloomfield
The 4-H Center at Auer Farm is located in Bloomfield. Take a long ride down their dirt road driveway and you will find yourself in the middle of a historic, 120-acre farm and gardens. Blueberries are netted off and are on the trust pay system to the left up the hill.
Explore the great outdoors at these pick-your-own farms in Connecticut! Photo courtesy of Belltown Orchards
15. Belltown Orchards - Glastonbury
Belltown has pick your own blueberries, cherries, peaches, pears–the list goes on! The farm also has a fantastic farmer's market brimming with fresh produce. Blueberry picking starts in early July and goes all summer long. If you're really adventurous, you can take the ferry from Rocky Hill to Glastonbury, and GPS the rest of the short ride to the orchard.
Berry Picking and More at Farms in Southern Connecticut
16. Lyman Orchards—Middlefield
Pick your own strawberries, blueberries, honeyberries, jostaberries, raspberries, apples, peaches, pears, and pumpkins. Pack a picnic and enjoy the amazing view, or visit the Apple Barrel. The website is constantly updated, so check to see what's ready for picking and when. Lyman's has an active calendar of family events.
17. Gotta's Farm — Portland
Note: There is no pick your own peaches in 2023.
Besides the farm stand with delicious pies and baked goods, Gotta's offers pick your own strawberries, peaches, apples and pears. PYO strawberries runs through the middle of June, and then come juicy peaches, and finally snappy apples and pears.
Take your time and find the berry that is just ripe for you! Photo courtesy of Bishop's Orchards
18. Bishop's Orchards—Guilford
Strawberries are the first to arrive, then blueberries, raspberries, peaches, pears, apples, and pumpkins. Don't miss the sunflower maze at this 140-year old family farm that has been cared for by six generations. Check the website or call for picking dates or call the pick line.
Originally written by Sherry Pardy and published June 20, 2012.
Places featured in this article:
Jones Family Farms
Scotts Yankee Farmer
Bishops Orchard
Lyman Orchards
4H Auer Farm
Scantic Valley Farm
Rose's Berry Farm
Easy PIckin's Farm
Brown's Harvest
Belltown Orchards
Grant's Berry Patch