Plymouth Maple Festival

Sat Mar 8, 2025
10:00am ET
Age: All Ages
Price: Free
Plymouth Congregational Church
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Watch maple syrup boiling on an outdoor fire and learn to do your own backyard sugaring. Enjoy all things maple, including French toast, baked goods, baked beans, and sugar on snow, while listening to the fiddle music of Down Home Frolic.

Maple syrup, maple sugar, and maple confections made in Plymouth will be for sale. Take a short walk to visit the new bookstore, Books and Art on Main, (housed in a former library) for fun family activities.

Explore the secret passageways of the Underground Railroad at the Henry Terry House at 11AM and 12:00PM.

The tours are free but reservations are required at There will be scavenger hunts and self-guided tours of the historic village of Plymouth Center. Admission is free.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.