Ultimate Dinosaurs Exhibit at Fernbank

Sat Feb 8, 2025 - Sun May 4, 2025
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Repeating every days through May 4, 2025.
Various times
Age: 2+
Price: Included with admission, $25.95 for adults and $23.95 for children 3-12; Free for members.
Fernbank Museum of Natural History
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Explore the bizarre and fascinating dinosaur species that evolved in isolation in South America, Africa and Madagascar. 

Exhibit highlights: 

A variety of dinosaur skeletons, casts and fossils, including displays from the Eoraptor, Malawisaurus, Suchomimus, Rapetosaurus and more

A fully articulated Giganotosaurus skeleton – one of the largest land predators ever to exist

Augmented-reality technology that transforms intricately detailed skeletons into moving, flesh-and-bone creatures

Hands-on activities that explore physical characteristics of dinosaurs like crests and frills, stride patterns, and more

A large-scale reactive wall experience that interacts with visitors as they walk by

Included with general admission and FREE for members. 

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.