The Beauty of Ballet at Hostos Center

Sat Mar 16, 2024
2:00pm to 3:00pm ET
Age: 4+
Price: Free
Hostos Center for the Arts and Culture

Have you ever wondered how ballerinas dance on their toes? Or how dancers turn without getting dizzy? Learn the answers to those questions and more during this family-friendly performance featuring excerpts from famous ballets including The Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, and The Nutcracker

Students from the School of American Ballet–the official school of New York City Ballet – and faculty member Katrina Killian offer a sneak peek inside the classroom to see how students train to become professional ballet dancers. Guests of all ages learn a few steps right from their seats before seeing SAB students perform excerpts from classical ballets in costume to live music. This hour-long program concludes with an engaging Q&A with audience members.

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