Family Art Project: Flowers for Mother's Day at Wave Hill

Sat May 10, 2025 - Sun May 11, 2025
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Repeating every days through May 11, 2025.
10:00am to 1:00pm ET
Age: 4 and up
Price: Free with park admission
Wave Hill
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Floriography is the art of using flowers to communicate a message. Send someone special a loving message by creating a bouquet of paper flowers. Then arrange your creation in a vibrant vase of your own making.

At 11:30am on Saturday and Sunday, families can celebrate Mother's Day with a reading of Flower Garden, by Eve Bunting.

On Mother's Day (Sunday), families can enjoy the very rare opportunity to picnic on the Wave Hill House Lawn. Limited, first-come, first-served seating is also available in Armor Hall and on the Kate French Terrace for picnic purchasers. If you would like to picnic on the Wave Hill House Lawn, you may bring your own blanket and outdoor folding chairs.

Mother’s Day is a premium-admission day, with a $2 surcharge per visitor; there is no admission charge for children under 5. Reservations are not required.

Advance registration is not required.