99 Sensory Activities for Toddlers, Infants, and Kids of All Ages
Submitted by Anna Fader on

All kids can be affected by sensory processing issues, where certain situations and feelings just become overwhelming. Exposing kids to a variety of sensory activities in a calm, playful manner can alleviate some of these problems.
In that spirit, we've put together this list of 99 sensory activities for toddlers and babies up through big kids; in fact, they're even helpful for adults. My kids' school's occupational therapist once gave a seminar to parents on sensory balance and activities for maintaining a sensory-savvy schedule. I now realize my engine tends to run too low and I need to work harder at energizing myself throughout the day. I have incorporated some of these activities to keep my own energy up.
For more tips and sensory activities for kids of all ages, see our posts on Sensory Bin Ideas for Busy Toddlers, DIY Sensory Activities for Babies, and Sensory Savvy Snacks for Kids.