Origami in the Garden

Sat Feb 1, 2025 - Wed Sep 3, 2025
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Repeating every days through September 3, 2025.
Various times
Age: All ages
Price: Included with garden admission
Harry P. Leu Gardens
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Experience an extraordinary exhibit like no other, connecting the world of nature and art. Origami in the Garden takes the folded object and transforms it into colossal metal sculpture that evokes wonder and imagination. Over 20 pieces from the original folds to art pieces are sure to captivate all ages.

Included with garden admission.

Save the date, Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. for an Art Walk to learn all about the amazing exhibit, included with garden admission.

Origami in the Garden was created by Santa Fe artists Jennifer and Kevin Box, featuring Box’s own compositions as well as collaborations with world-renowned origami artists Robert J. Lang, Te Jui Fu, Beth Johnson and Michael G. LaFosse. These remarkable artworks feel at home in the wondrous setting of botanical gardens, since paper originates in plant life and origami is made of paper. Gardens and art are both openings into broader connections around the globe, over time, and between the human and natural worlds. And gardens, like origami, begin with little—the tiniest of seeds—and burgeon through artful attention into glorious displays of flowers, bushes, and trees.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.