Family Program: Animal Architecture at the Center for Architecture

Sat Apr 5, 2025
Various times
Age: 5+
Price: $20/person
The Center for Architecture
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Have you ever been curious about where animals live? Families explore how animals build their homes by observing structures such as nests, ant colonies, shells, and dams. These structures then serve as inspiration for families to create their own animal architecture designs! 

There are two sessions: Morning (11am to 1pm) and Afternoon (2pm to 4pm).

Registration for this program opens on Tuesday, March 4.

Center for Architecture K-12 Programs

Center for Architecture’s vacation and summer programs give young people entering grades 3-12 a chance to develop their own architectural designs and models. Each week focuses on a different topic and combines hands-on art and building projects with one-of-a-kind trips to notable buildings, parks, and architectural sites. Activities include drawing, 3-D model making, interior design, city planning, computer graphics, engineering, "green" design projects, and an intensive, two-week Architectural Design Studio for high school students. read more
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.