La Escuelita's Spanish Immersion Preschool Summer Program
Founded in 2003, La Escuelita Dual Language Preschool is a leader in dual language early childhood education. This NAEYC-accredited preschool is designed to follow children as they truly learn. Teachers engage children in a warm, safe, and beautifully lit environment designed to pique their curiosity and encourage exploration. The La Escuelita Spanish immersion Summer Program runs during the month of July for children ages 3.5-5.11 and is modeled after its preschool, with a focus on outdoor activities both in the shady outside playground with water features and in nearby playgrounds. Campers also enjoy the beautiful air conditioned preschool classrooms for play and exploration. The program is lead by highly qualifed and experienced La Escuelita preschool teachers. Families may choose between Full Day (9AM-3PM) or Half Day (9AM-12:30PM) options.