Family Concert: Fiddling Around at Pinecrest Gardens

Sun Feb 16, 2025
3:00pm ET
Age: All ages
Price: Single tickets are $8 for kids, $12 for Seniors and $15 for Adults, and a Family Pack (2 Kids + 2 Adults) is $39
Pinecrest Gardens
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Join Orchestra Miami for Fiddling Around, the third concert in the Pinecrest Gardens Family Fun Concert Series. Families will be treated to a performance of Bruce Adolphe's The King, the Cat and the Fiddle, performed by soloists from Orchestra Miami and a special guest narrator. Also on the program is Farmony, a fun story in which children in the audience participate as an integral part of the story.

A whimsical musical tale that blends humor and life lessons through the medium of classical music, The King, the Cat and the Fiddle revolves around a king, his wise cat named Joachim, and a group of fiddlers who bring joy to the kingdom through their music. When the king encounters seemingly insurmountable troubles, he finds that music is the key, and that sometimes the best solutions come from the heart. Farmony is a unique and playful composition for a string quartet with a twist- the audience becomes the animals in the farm, becoming an important part of the performance.

Stay to meet the musicians and enjoy free juice and cookies after the show.

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