Nature Detectives at the Fish Hatchery

Wed Apr 16, 2025
11:00am to 3:00pm ET
Age: Kids
Price: General $7, Seniors $6, Kids 3-12 $5, Hatchery Members Free
Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium
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Become a nature detective by identifying seeds, learn what plants need to grow, and what we get from plants at The Fish Hatchery.

Make your very own "seed bombs" to take home and plant your own little patch of nature.

Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium

The Cold Spring Habor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium, founded over 140 years ago remains a Long Island must visit destination. It is a one of a kind environmental education center, working trout hatchery and aquarium. The professional staff of educators and biologists presents comprehensive hands on environmental programs to over 8,000 students pre-k thru college in addition to over 30,000 visitors annually.  The aquarium exhibits the largest collection of live freshwater fish, reptiles and amphibians indigenous to New York.  The trout hatchery remains the oldest... read more
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