Black History Month Celebration at Children's Museum Houston

Sat Feb 15, 2025
10:00am to 3:00pm CT
Age: All ages
Price: Included in admission; $19.95 adults and children; under one free
The Children's Museum of Hosuton
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 Celebrate the legacy and contributions of the African American community during February Black History Month at Children's Museum Houston.‍

‍Storytime- I See You by Alicia Pal-Singh: Join us for a special story time as Alicia Pal-Singh, author of I See You, reads her heartwarming story that celebrates empathy, connection, and understanding!

When: At 11 am in the Parent Resource Library

Celebrating Black History by Express Children's Theater: Music, dance, and kid-friendly poetry presents the vital contributions of African-America scientists, artists, athletes, leaders, inventors and visionaries from ancient Africa to modern day Houston!

When: At noon in Brown Auditorium

Profiles in Black by The Ensemble Theatre: Celebrate Black history with this wonderful play featuring powerful songs and stories honoring the contributions of African American heroes!

When: Noon in Brown Auditorium


Captain America Storytimes: Celebrate Black History with a fun, inspiring, and empowering superhero story experience. 

When: From 10 am to 3 pm in Kid's Hall Alcove

The Griot Speaks: The Griot Speaks is a collection of ancient African tales presented in the interactive fashion of long-ago African Griots. Drumming and audience participation turn lessons on history and culture into fun excursions where audience members get caught up in the tale. Griot Manning Mpinduzi-Mott tells the tales, leaps, dances, and turns into all kinds of magical creatures!

When: At 3:30 pm in Brown Auditorium

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.
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